Friday, April 6, 2018

14 Common Aches & Pains

Sprains & Strains
If you play sports or are physically active, you may be familiar with sprains (stretched or torn ligaments)and strains (stretched or torn muscles or tendons).  While both cause swelling and inflammation, sprains give bruises, and strains trigger muscle spasms.  The RICE method is a popular method for treatment—rest, ice, compression, and elevation.  Over-the-counter (OTC) medications may give relieve, but see a doctor if you suffer numbness or tingling, or can’t move a joint, or it isn’t better in a week.
Tension Headache
This kind of headache can feel like a band is tightening around your head.  Take OTC painkillers, rest and drink water to relieve.  The headache should go away within a couple hours, but could last a couple days.  Lots of rest, massage, lessen stress, and plenty of fluids (no caffeine) can help avoid these headaches.
Throbbing pain on front or side of head can put a hold on daily activities, leaving you sick and sensitive to light as well as other symptoms.  A dark, quiet spot to rest with an ice pack to numb pain, or a heating pad may relax tense muscles.  OTC medications may help if you catch it early on.  Some people may require a prescription to treat or prevent migraines.
Tooth decay, cracked teeth, broken fillings, and gum disease are some causes of toothaches.  You may not like going to a dentist, but it lasts more than a couple days, it may be time to go.  If not taken care of, the inflamed area could lead to infection and cause bigger problems.  Tooth pain can be sign of a sinus infection, or a problem with the joint where the jaw meets the skull (TMJ), or grinding of the teeth when sleeping.
Neck Pain
Less protected than the spine, the neck is vulnerable to sprains and strains.  Although usually temporary, you may not need a doctor.  Regular wear and tear—disks breaking down—can hurt.  Keep good posture to prevent pain.
Back Pain
Back pain becomes common as you get older.  Back pain is usually dull or sharp and can last months.  Obesity and lifting the wrong way can be a cause.  Diseases like arthritis and cancer can also affect your back and spine, not to mention genes can play a role.  Treatment for back pain can be OTC medications, hot/cold packs, exercise, yoga or massage.
Frozen Shoulder
While the pain usually worse at night when lying on the painful side, simple everyday tasks can be a problem too.  The shoulder can become stiff at the point you can’t move it.  Exercises and physical therapy may improve range of motion.  This can happen to people between 40 and 60, and women and people with diabetes are more likely to have this problem.
Tendinitis and Bursitis
This is swelling around the muscle or bone that is brought on by overuse or injury to the joint—like the ankle, elbow, knee, hip, shoulder or wrist.  It can be treated by the RICE method, mentioned earlier, but call your doctor if pain or swelling is bad or gets worse, or you have redness or warmth.
The leading cause of disability in America, this is a group of more than 100 diseases that cause joint pain.  Symptoms, although it may come and go, can be swelling, pain, stiffness, and limited motion.  It could also be a result of wear and tear or inflammation triggered by the immune system.  While it can’t be cured, arthritis can be eased by managing the condition with a doctor’s help.
There can be lots of reasons for stomachache—indigestion, gas or constipation.  OTC medicines can help an upset stomach feel better until it passes, but call a doctor if the pain becomes sudden or severe, or lasts for days, are vomiting blood, have bloody stool or other unusual symptoms.
A shooting pain that makes sitting or standing uncomfortable, you may feel weak, numb, with a burning or tingling in the leg.  This is not a cramp, but a pinched nerve in the lower back, and sneezing and coughing can make the pain sharper.  Sciatica usually goes away within a few weeks with rest and gentle exercise, but you should consult a doctor.  People between 30 and 50 are usually prone to sciatica.
Nerve Pain
Tingling, burning, numbness and weakness can be a problem with the nerves.  People with diabetes that is uncontrolled can get nerve damage in the feet, hands, arms, and legs.  Shingles—a painful rash caused by the chickenpox virus—may lead to nerve pain.  The organs can be affected, giving you problems with digestion or urination.  Medications, physical therapy and eating a well-balanced diet can help with nerve pain.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Keyboard overuse has not been proven to be the fault for this leading nerve disorder, but pecking at the keys may make tingling and numbness in the fingers worse if there is already a pinched nerve.  Resting and avoiding bending or twisting the wrist for a couple of weeks is best.  Yoga or physical therapy can also help.  Some medicines may reduce swelling and ease symptoms.
Sore, Swollen Feet
Rest and elevating the feet is best for this condition.  If you put ice on your feet, do it for 15-20 minutes at a time.  If your daily job requires you to stand on your feet, compression stockings and shoes with a good support and taking proper breaks can help ease sore, swollen feet.  Women and people with flat feet or high arches are prone to plantar fasciitis—makes the bottom of the feet hurt.  Stretching the feet is good.  Call your doctor if pain is bad or you have no idea why your feet ache.