1. One reason can be overweight.
2. It can also be due to indigestion.
3. Indigestion (dyspepsia) occurs when acid from your stomach irritates the lining of your stomach, esophagus (gullet), and top part of your bowel.
4. Can occur due to ulcers in the stomach.
5. In most cases, abdominal pain and diarrhea are short-lived, a result of improper digestion. When abdominal pain and diarrhea are persistent and long-lasting, they can interfere with daily life.
6. Chronic abdominal pain and diarrhea usually indicate the presence of an inflammatory bowel disease or a digestive disorder.
7. due to all these reasons the food does not get digested even if it has been taken at the proper time and is wholesome as well as light to digest.
1. Abdominal pain.
2. Burning feeling in the abdomen.
3. Burping or belching.
4. Feeling of fullness after eating that lasts longer than it should.
5. Feeling uncomfortably full after a normal-size meal.
Here are simple home remedies to treat:
1. Add honey to your lemon tea and have it twice a day.
2. Take 1 tsp. of lemon juice and mint juice, add a few drops of ginger juice and black salt. Drinking this mixture will cure stomach pain.
3. Extract some juice after grating a few pieces of ginger, massaging this juice on your tummy will give you relief from stomach pain.
4. One of the most effective home remedies for stomachache would be to mix 1 tsp. each of mint juice and lime juice. To it, add a few drops of ginger juice and a pinch of black salt. Drink this mixture to alleviate pain.
5. Grate a small piece of ginger and extract its juice. Apply this juice to the bottom of the belly and massage it gently. This will be effective in curing stomachache.
6. If the stomach i due to acidity, the best bet would be to drink plain soda water. It would provide instant relief from the pain.
7. In 50 ML of water, mix 2 tsp. lemon juice and 1 gram of rock salt powder. Have this mixture three times a day.
8. Take dry ginger, black pepper, roasted cumin seeds, dry mint leaves, coriander, and asafetida. garlic, and rock salt in equal quantities. Grind them well and make a fine powder. Have 1 tsp. of this mixture, along with a warm glass of water, after meals.
9. Take 3 grams each of carom seeds and rock salt or common salt along with a glass of warm water, which helps in relieving a person from stomachache.
10. In a half a cup of warm water, add a tsp. each of ginger juice and castor oil. Have this mixture two times a day, to get relief from stomachache.
11. In a cup of water, add 20 grams of aniseeds. Keep it overnight and strain the mixture the next morning. Drink it to get relief from the pain.
12. Mix one gram of rock salt and two grams of dried and crushed celery leaves. Eat it to get instant relief from stomachache.
13. Grind three grams of tender tamarind leaves, with enough water, to make a paste. Once it turns into a liquefied form, add a gram of rock salt. Drink this mixture to get relief from stomachache.
14. Combine 1/2 tsp. lemon juice and 1 tsp. ginger juice. Add 1/4 tsp. sugar to this mixture and have it two times a day.
15. Pomegranates help treat stomachache. In a bowl of pomegranate seeds, sprinkle some salt and black pepper. Eat the seeds, while making sure to chew them properly.
16. Grind bael (Aegle marmellos) and form a pulp. Mix it in a glass of freshly prepared buttermilk. Stir it well before drinking.
17. Prepare a paste of fenugreek seeds. Now add this paste to a bowl of curd. This is one of the most effective ways to treat stomach cramps and pain.
18. In a half liter of water, add 2 grams each of black currants and fennel seeds and keep it overnight. The next morning, mash the contents in water and add a gram of water. Have this concoction daily, in the morning, to get relief from chronic stomach pain.
1. Fasting for the whole day is not recommended at least fruits and juices should be taken in that case.
2. The diet should consist of old rice and light vegetable soup of spinach with warm water.
3. Avoid all heavy and fried foods and cold drinks.
4. Excess sweet milk and its products which are heavy for digestion and meat of animals.
5. Do not include dairy products in your diet.