Monday, April 25, 2016

15 Pilates Moves That Get Results

Pilates for Beginners Pilates focus on toning muscles with springs, bands, and your own body weight. Check out author, Alycea Ungaro's "15 Minute Everyday Pilates," a routine for beginners. Some of the moves use PIlates studio equipment, but most can be done at home. Just check with your doctor if your're a man over 45, or a woman over 55, or you have a medical condition. Flat Abs: Pilates Hundred Flatten your tummy using abs efficiently. Hold behind your knees, scoop your belly in, and curl down to the floor, to get into position. Curl your head and shoulders up slightly, as you lower your back as it is still pressd into the floor. Pump your arms up and down in small motions at your sides. Breathe in for five reps and aout for five until you hit 50 pumps. Sit up, and repeat for a total of 100 pumps. Flat Abs: Hundred on the Reformer At the studio, try Pilates hundred on the reformer, a spring-based resistance machine. Lie on your back with your legs in table-top position or extend at a 45-degree angle. Pull at the straps down next to your abdomen. Curl your head and shoulders pulse your arms up and down. Breathe in for 5 reps and out for 5, until you reach 100 pulses. If the move doesn't feel right, check with a fitness professional. Flat Abs: Roll-Up Begin this starter sit-up with legs straight out in front of you. Extend your arms over your legs and lower your head between your arms. Curl backward and bend your knees, stopping halfway down. Raise your arms straitght up and pull your abs in tightly. Do 6 - 8 reps at a moderate pace. As you become more advanced, try lwoering all the way to the floor. Flat Abs: Neck Peel If sit-ups give you a sore neck, try this alternative: Lie flat with the end of a resistance band or towel tucked under the center of your back. Bend your knees and grab the other end of the band above your head. Inhale and use your ab muscles as you slowly peel your body up, letting your head rest against the band. Exhale and return to starting position, doing 5 reps, making sure your abs do the work. Obliques: Twist and Reach Keep the resistance band handy for waist-toning moves. Sit with your legs a little more than hip-distance apart. Hold the band between your hands and raise your arms overhead. Exhale and turn to one side using your muscles in your waist. Inhale and reach your arms out and back, keeping your hips in place. Exhale and return to starting position, alternating for a total of 4 sets on each side. Lower Back: Shoulder Bridge, Part 1 Strengthening your abs is vital to toning your back of your body too. Lie on your back, knees bent and feet hip-width apart. Keep your arms at your sides, raising your hips without arching your back. Tighten the muscles of your buttocks and hamstrings, holding for 5 breaths. Lower one vertebra at at time on the floor, if you're stopping here, or go onto a more advanced posture. Lower Back: Shoulder Bridge Part 2 Keeping your hips raised, extend one leg straight up and point foot. Kick your leg down and out, flexing your foot. Repeat, exhaling as your extend your leg up and inhaling as you kick it down. Keep your torso strong and the other foot firmly on the mat. Do 5 reps with each leg. Upper Back: Pulling Straps Toning your upper back is the fast track to a better posture. This uses the reformer with an accessory called a long box. Lie on your stomach with the chest past the edge of the long box. Grab the straps in front with straight arms. Lift your head and chest and pull straps down toward your hips. The long box slides forward with you on top. Release your arms back in starting position, doing 5 reps. Upper Back: Letter 'T' Targets the upper back without the reformer. Lie face down on the mat with your feet together. Raise your head and chest slightly as you extend your arms perpendicular to your body, palms down. Exhale, sweeping your arms back and lifting your chin and chest higher. Keep your waist on the mat using your upper back muscles and bring your arms closer to your body. Return to starting position as you do 5 reps. Upper Body: Tendon Stretch This powerful upper-body toner is done with a mat, reformer, or Wunda Chair. Using a mat, sit with your legs straight in front of you with your feet together, flexed. Press your hands flat on the mat as you look down. Using your upper body strength, lift your backside and upper legs. Swing forware and backward before lowering slowly to the mat, doing 5 reps. Upper Body: Sparklers This pairs small hand weights and adds punch to Pilates workout at home. The move: imagaine you are twirling weights like sparklers on the Fourth of July. Stand with weights held at your thighs. Turn slightly in as they face each other, making 8 small circles. Each circle should be a little higher until your hands are overhead. Make 8 circles in opposite direction as you lower your arms, repeating 2 - 3 times. Lower Body: Kneeling Knee Stretches This reformer exercise is an efficient way to work the entire body. Kneel on the reformer with a round back as you keep your arms straight. Use you butt muscles and thighs to push and pull your lower body back and forth. Use the Platform to slide a few inches with each movement, doing 5 reps. As you get more advanced, do another 5 reps with your back arched. Lower Body: Kneeling Side Kicks To tone your thighs and butt without the reformer, begin by kneeling, leaning to the left as you place your left hand on the mat under your shoulder and your right hand behind your head with your elbow pointing up. Raise your right leg until it is parallel to the floor. Holding your torso steady, kick your leg to the front and to the back with your knee straight. Do 5 reps on each side. Lower Body: Leg Swings This exercise sculpts your legs while getting your heart rate up. Stand with your arms crossed in front at shoulder height. Keeping you abs tight, exhale and lift your right knee toward your right elbow. As you lower your leg quickly. Keep switching sides for a total of 10 swings with each leg. Stamina: Wall Chair Besides toning your muscles, Pilates is also known as a endurance booster. With the wall and small hand weights are the only necessities for a highly effective exercise. Stand with your back against the wall and your feet hip-width apart. Walk your feet out a little as you bend your knees and slide down as if sitting in a chair. Your upper legs should be parallel to the floor as you raise your arms should height, holding for 30 seconds. Do 2 reps. Cardio: Standing Jumps The focus of this Pilates move is strength training and getting cardio with this move. Stand with your belly pulled in and your arms overhead. Exhale as you lower your head and bend at your knees as you swing your arms back. Inhale as you jump up with straight legs and reaching your arms overhead. Land with your knees slightly bent, returning quickly to the starting position, doing 8 - 10 reps at a rapid pace. You should be out of breath when your finished. Source -15-pilates-moves.

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