Factitious disorder
imposed on self, also known as Munchausen
syndrome is a factitious disorder wherein those affected feign disease,
illness, or psychological trauma to draw attention, sympathy, or reassurance to
themselves. Munchausen syndrome fits
within the subclass of factitious disorder with predominantly physical signs
and symptoms, but patients also have a history of recurrent hospitalization, traveling, and dramatic, extremely improbable tales of their past experiences.
The condition derives its name from
fictional character Baron Munchausen.
Factitious disorder
imposed on self is related to factitious
disorder imposed on another, which refers to the abuse of another person,
typically a child, in order to seek attention or sympathy for the abuser. This
drive to create symptoms for the victim can result in unnecessary and costly
diagnostic or corrective procedures.
Signs and symptoms
In factitious
disorder imposed on self, the affected person exaggerates or creates
symptoms of illnesses in themselves to gain examination, treatment, attention,
sympathy, and/or comfort from medical personnel. In some extreme cases, people
suffering from Munchausen syndrome
are highly knowledgeable about the practice of medicine and are able to produce
symptoms that result in lengthy and costly medical analysis, prolonged hospital
stays, and unnecessary operations. The role of "patient" is a familiar and comforting one, and it fills
a psychological need in people with this syndrome. This disorder is distinct
from hypochondriasis and other somatoform disorders in that those with the
latter does not intentionally produce their somatic symptoms. Factitious
disorder is distinct from malingering in that people with factitious disorder imposed on self
don't fabricate symptoms for material gain such as financial compensation,
absence from work, or access to drugs.
The exact cause of factitious
disorder is not known, but researchers believe both biological and
psychological factors play a role in the development of this disorder. Risk
factors for developing factitious
disorder may include childhood traumas, growing up with parents/caretakers
who were emotionally unavailable due to illness or emotional problems, a
serious illness as a child failed aspirations to work in the medical field,
personality disorders, and low self-esteem. While there are no reliable statistics
regarding the number of people in the United
States who suffer from factitious
disorder, FD is believed to be
most common in mothers having the above risk factors. Those with a history of
working in healthcare are also at greater risk of developing it.
Munchausen syndrome describes individuals who simulate or stimulate cardiac
arrhythmias to gain medical attention.
A similar behavior called factitious disorder imposed on another has been documented in the
parent or guardian of a child. The adult ensures that his or her child will
experience some medical affliction, therefore compelling the child to suffer
through treatments and spend a significant portion during youth in hospitals.
Furthermore, a disease may actually be initiated in the child by the parent or
guardian. This condition is considered distinct from Munchausen syndrome. There is growing consensus in the pediatric
community that this disorder should be renamed "medical abuse" to highlight the harm caused by the
deception and to make it less likely that a perpetrator can use a psychiatric
defense when harm is done.
Due to the deceptive behaviors involved, diagnosing
factitious disorder is very difficult. If the healthcare provider finds no
physical reason for the symptoms, he or she may refer the person to a
psychiatrist or psychologist (mental health professionals who are specially
trained to diagnose and treat mental illnesses). Psychiatrists and
psychologists use thorough history, physical examinations, laboratory tests,
imagery, and psychological testing to evaluate a person for physical and mental
conditions. Once the person's history has been thoroughly evaluated, diagnosing
factitious disorder imposed on self
requires a clinical assessment. Clinicians should be aware that those
presenting with symptoms (or persons reporting for that person) may malinger,
and caution should be taken to ensure there is evidence for a diagnosis. Lab tests may be required, including complete
blood count (CBC), urine toxicology, drug levels from blood, cultures,
coagulation tests, assays for thyroid function, or DNA typing. In some cases CT
scan, magnetic resonance imaging, psychological testing,
electroencephalography or electrocardiography may also be employed. A summary of more common and reported cases of
factitious disorder (Munchausen syndrome), and the
laboratory tests used to differentiate these from authentic disease is provided
There are several criteria that together may point to factitious disorder, including frequent
hospitalizations, knowledge of several illnesses, frequently requesting
medication such as pain killers, openness to extensive surgery, few or no
visitors during hospitalizations, and exaggerated or fabricated stories about
several medical problems. Factitious
disorder should not be confused with hypochondria, as people with factitious disorder syndrome do not
really believe they are sick; they only want to be sick, and thus fabricate the
symptoms of an illness. It is also not the same as pretending to be sick for
personal benefit such as being excused from work or school.
People may fake their symptoms in multiple ways. Other than
making up past medical histories and faking illnesses, people might inflict
harm on themselves by consuming laxatives or other substances, self-inflicting
injury to induce bleeding, and altering laboratory samples. Many of these conditions do not have clearly
observable or diagnostic symptoms and sometimes the syndrome will go undetected
because patients will fabricate identities when visiting the hospital several
times. Factitious disorder has
several complications, as these people will go to great lengths to fake their
illness. Severe health problems, serious injuries, loss of limbs or organs, and
even death are possible complications.
Because there is uncertainty in treating suspected factitious disorder imposed on self, some advocate that
health care providers first explicitly rule out the possibility that the person
has another early-stage disease. Then
they may take a careful history and seek medical records to look for early
deprivation, childhood abuse, or mental illness. If a person is at risk to themself,
psychiatric hospitalization may be initiated.
Healthcare providers may consider working with mental health
specialists to help treat the underlying mood or disorder as well as to avoid
countertransference. Therapeutic and
medical treatment may center on the underlying psychiatric disorder: a mood
disorder, an anxiety disorder, or borderline personality disorder. The
patient's prognosis depends upon the category under which the underlying
disorder falls; depression and anxiety, for example, generally respond well to
medication and/or cognitive behavioral therapy, whereas borderline personality
disorder, like all personality disorders, is presumed to be pervasive and more
stable over time, and thus offers a worse prognosis.
People affected may have multiple scars on their abdomen due
to repeated "emergency"
The name "Munchausen
syndrome" derives from Baron
Munchausen, a literary character loosely based on the German nobleman Hieronymus
Karl Friedrich, Freiherr von Münchhausen (1720–1797). The historical baron
became a well-known storyteller in the late 18th century for entertaining
dinner guests with tales about his adventures during the Russo-Turkish War. In 1785 German-born
writer and con artist Rudolf Erich Raspe
anonymously published a book in which a heavily fictionalized version of "Baron Munchausen" tells many
fantastic and impossible stories about himself. Raspe's Munchausen became a sensation,
establishing a literary exemplar of a bombastic liar or exaggerator.
In 1951, Richard
Asher was the first to describe a pattern of self-harm, wherein individuals
fabricated histories, signs, and symptoms of illness. Remembering Baron Munchausen, Asher named this
condition Munchausen's Syndrome in
his article in The Lancet in February
1951, quoted in his obituary in the British
Medical Journal:
"Here is
described a common syndrome which most doctors have seen, but about which little
has been written. Like the famous Baron von Munchausen, the persons affected
have always traveled widely; and their stories, like those attributed to him,
are both dramatic and untruthful. Accordingly, the syndrome is respectfully
dedicated to the Baron, and named after him."— British Medical Journal, R.A.J. Asher, M.D., F.R.C.P.
Asher's nomenclature sparked some controversy, with medical
authorities debating the appropriateness of the name for about fifty years.
While Asher was praised for bringing cases of factitious disorder to light, participants in the debate objected
variously that a literary allusion was inappropriate given the seriousness of
the disease; that its use of the anglicized spelling "Munchausen" showed poor form; that the name linked the
disease with the real-life Münchhausen, who did not have it; and that the
name's connection to works of humor and fantasy, and to the essentially
the ridiculous character of the fictional Baron Munchausen was disrespectful to
patients suffering from the disorder.
Originally, this term was used for all factitious disorders.
Now, however, in the DSM-5, "Munchausen syndrome" and "Munchausen by proxy" have
been replaced with "factitious
disorder" and "factitious
disorder by proxy" respectively.
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