Friday, December 1, 2023

Infectious Diseases Starting with "B"

 Bacteria are microscopic unicellular organisms with a wide range of shapes, abundant in air, water, and soil, a few of which are beneficial while some are pathogenic--and all are the cause of many diseases that are responsible for the allergic and antigen response. The least common form of grand locyte, basophils store and secrete histamine, a chemical causing inflammation.

Biopsy is the diagnostic procedure that involves removal of tissue sample from the living body, using a needle, for microscopic analysis.

Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids along the eyelashes due to an overgrowth of bacteria. It causes burning, redness, irritation, itchy eyelids, and scaly skin on the eyelashes.

Blisters are localized lesions on the skin filled with watery fluid, pus, of blood, caused by burns, rubbing, or allergic reaction.

Botulism is a rare but serious pralyptic illness that occurs from a toxin in contaminated food, produces by the bacteria Clostriduim Botulinum. The bacteria can grow in canned foods and colonize in the digestive tracts, or can enter the human by contamination of a wound. In all types of botulism paralysis starts in the facial muscles and can spread toward the limbs.

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