fibrillation (V-fib or VF) is an abnormal heart rhythm in which the ventricles
of the heart quiver. It is due to disorganized electrical activity. Ventricular
fibrillation results in cardiac arrest with loss of consciousness and no pulse.
This is followed by sudden cardiac death in the absence of treatment.
Ventricular fibrillation is initially found in about 10% of people with cardiac
Ventricular fibrillation can occur due to coronary heart
disease, valvular heart disease, cardiomyopathy, Brugada syndrome, long QT
syndrome, electric shock, or intracranial hemorrhage. Diagnosis is by an
electrocardiogram (ECG) showing irregular unformed QRS complexes without any
clear P waves. An important differential diagnosis is torsades de pointes.
Treatment is with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and
defibrillation. Biphasic defibrillation may be better than monophasic. The
medication epinephrine or amiodarone may be given if initial treatments are not
effective. Rates of survival among those who are out of hospital when the
arrhythmia is detected is about 17% while in hospital it is about 46%.
Signs and symptoms
Ventricular fibrillation is a cause of cardiac arrest. The
ventricular muscle twitches randomly rather than contracting in a coordinated
fashion (from the apex of the heart to the outflow of the ventricles), and so
the ventricles fail to pump blood around the body – because of this, it is
classified as a cardiac arrest rhythm, and patients in V-fib should be treated
with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and prompt defibrillation. Left
untreated, ventricular fibrillation is rapidly fatal as the vital organs of the
body, including the heart, are starved of oxygen, and as a result patients in
this rhythm will not be conscious or responsive to stimuli. Coma and persistent
vegetative state may also result. Prior to cardiac arrest, patients may
complain of varying symptoms depending on the underlying cause. Patients may
exhibit signs of agonal breathing, which to a layperson can look like normal
spontaneous breathing but is a sign of hypoperfusion of the brainstem.
It has an appearance on electrocardiography of irregular
electrical activity with no discernable pattern. It may be described as "coarse" or "fine" depending on its
amplitude, or as progressing from coarse to fine V-fib. Coarse V-fib may be
more responsive to defibrillation, while fine V-fib can mimic the appearance of
asystole on a defibrillator or cardiac monitor set to a low gain. Some
clinicians may attempt to defibrillate fine V-fib in the hope that it can be
reverted to a cardiac rhythm compatible with life, whereas others will deliver
CPR and sometimes drugs as described in the advanced cardiac life support protocols
in an attempt to increase its amplitude and the odds of successful defibrillation.
Ventricular fibrillation has been described as "chaotic asynchronous fractionated
activity of the heart" (Moe et al. 1964). A more complete definition
is that ventricular fibrillation is a "turbulent,
disorganized electrical activity of the heart in such a way that the recorded
electrocardiographic deflections continuously change in shape, magnitude and
Ventricular fibrillation most commonly occurs within
diseased hearts, and, in the vast majority of cases, is a manifestation of
underlying ischemic heart disease. Ventricular fibrillation is also seen in
those with cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, and other heart pathologies. In addition,
it is seen with electrolyte imbalance, overdoses of cardiotoxic drugs, and
following near drowning or major trauma. It is also notable that ventricular
fibrillation occurs where there is no discernible heart pathology or other
evident cause the so-called idiopathic ventricular fibrillation.
Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation occurs with a reputed
incidence of approximately 1% of all cases of out-of-hospital arrest, as well
as 3–9% of the cases of ventricular fibrillation unrelated to myocardial
infarction, and 14% of all ventricular fibrillation resuscitations in patients
under the age of 40. It follows then that, on the basis of the fact that
ventricular fibrillation itself is common, idiopathic ventricular fibrillation
accounts for an appreciable mortality. Recently described syndromes such as the
Brugada Syndrome may give clues to the underlying mechanism of ventricular
arrhythmias. In the Brugada syndrome, changes may be found in the resting ECG
with evidence of right bundle branch block (RBBB) and ST elevation in the chest
leads V1-V3, with an underlying propensity to sudden cardiac death.
The relevance of this is that theories of the underlying
pathophysiology and electrophysiology must account for the occurrence of fibrillation
in the apparent "healthy"
heart. It is evident that there are mechanisms at work that we do not fully
appreciate and understand. Investigators are exploring new techniques of
detecting and understanding the underlying mechanisms of sudden cardiac death
in these patients without pathological evidence of underlying heart disease.
Familial conditions that predispose individuals to
developing ventricular fibrillation and sudden cardiac death are often the
result of gene mutations that affect cellular transmembrane ion channels. For
example, in Brugada Syndrome, sodium channels are affected. In certain forms of
long QT syndrome, the potassium inward rectifier channel is affected.
In 1899, it was also found that ventricular fibrillation
was, typically, the ultimate cause of death when the electric chair was used.
Abnormal automaticity
Automaticity is a measure of the propensity of a fiber to
initiate an impulse spontaneously. The product of a hypoxic myocardium can be
hyperirritable myocardial cells. These may then act as pacemakers. The
ventricles are then being stimulated by more than one pacemaker. Scar and dying
tissue is inexcitable, but around these areas usually lies a penumbra of
hypoxic tissue that is excitable. Ventricular excitability may generate
re-entry ventricular arrhythmia.
Most myocardial cells with an associated increased
propensity to arrhythmia development have an associated loss of membrane
potential. That is, the maximum diastolic potential is less negative and
therefore exists closer to the threshold potential. Cellular depolarization can
be due to a raised external concentration of potassium ions K+, a decreased
intracellular concentration of sodium ions Na+, increased permeability to Na+,
or a decreased permeability to K+. The ionic basic automaticity is the net gain
of an intracellular positive charge during diastole in the presence of a
voltage-dependent channel activated by potentials negative to –50 to –60 mV.
Myocardial cells are exposed to different environments.
Normal cells may be exposed to hyperkalemia; abnormal cells may be perfused by
normal environment. For example, with a healed myocardial infarction, abnormal
cells can be exposed to an abnormal environment such as with a myocardial
infarction with myocardial ischemia. In conditions such as myocardial ischemia,
possible mechanism of arrhythmia generation include the resulting decreased
internal K+ concentration, the increased external K+ concentration, norepinephrine
release and acidosis. When myocardial cell is exposed to hyperkalemia, the
maximum diastolic potential is depolarized as a result of the alteration of Ik1
potassium current, whose intensity and direction is strictly dependent on
intracellular and extracellular potassium concentrations. With Ik1 suppressed, a
hyperpolarizing effect is lost and therefore there can be activation of funny
current even in myocardial cells (which is normally suppressed by the
hyperpolarizing effect of coexisting potassium currents). This can lead to the
instauration of automaticity in ischemic tissue.
The role of re-entry or circus motion was demonstrated separately
by G. R. Mines and W. E. Garrey. Mines created a ring of excitable tissue by
cutting the atria out of the ray fish. Garrey cut out a similar ring from the
turtle ventricle. They were both able to show that, if a ring of excitable
tissue was stimulated at a single point; the subsequent waves of depolarization
would pass around the ring. The waves eventually meet and cancel each other
out, but, if an area of transient block occurred with a refractory period that
blocked one wavefront and subsequently allowed the other to proceed
retrogradely over the other path, then a self-sustaining circus movement
phenomenon would result. For this to happen, however, it is necessary that
there be some form of non-uniformity. In practice, this may be an area of ischemic
or infarcted myocardium, or underlying scar tissue.
It is possible to think of the advancing wave of depolarization
as a dipole with a head and a tail. The length of the refractory period and the
time taken for the dipole to travel a certain distance—the propagation
velocity—will determine whether such a circumstance will arise for re-entry to
occur. Factors that promote re-entry would include a slow-propagation velocity,
a short refractory period with a sufficient size of ring of conduction tissue.
These would enable a dipole to reach an area that had been refractory and is
now able to be depolarized with continuation of the wavefront.
In clinical practice, therefore, factors that would lead to
the right conditions to favor such re-entry mechanisms include increased heart
size through hypertrophy or dilatation, drugs which alter the length of the
refractory period and areas of cardiac disease. Therefore, the substrate of
ventricular fibrillation is transient or permanent conduction block. Block due
either to areas of damaged or refractory tissue leads to areas of myocardium
for initiation and perpetuation of fibrillation through the phenomenon of
Triggered activity
Triggered activity can occur due to the presence of afterdepolarizations.
These are depolarizing oscillations in the membrane voltage induced by
preceding action potentials. These can occur before or after full repolarization
of the fiber and as such are termed either early (EADs) or delayed afterdepolarizations
(DADs). All afterdepolarizations may not reach threshold potential, but, if
they do, they can trigger another afterdepolarization and thus self-perpetuate.
Power spectrum
The distribution of frequency and power of a waveform can be
expressed as a power spectrum in which the contribution of different waveform
frequencies to the waveform under analysis is measured. This can be expressed
as either the dominant or peak frequency, i.e., the frequency with the greatest
power or the median frequency, which divides the spectrum in two halves.
Frequency analysis has many other uses in medicine and in
cardiology, including analysis of heart rate variability and assessment of
cardiac function, as well as in imaging and acoustics.
Myofiber break-up, abbreviated MFB, is associated with
ventricular fibrillation leading to death. Histomorphologically, MFB is
characterized by fractures of the cardiac myofibers perpendicular to their long
axis, with squaring of the myofiber nuclei.
Defibrillation is the definitive treatment of ventricular
fibrillation, whereby an electrical current is applied to the ventricular mass
either directly or externally through pads or paddles, with the aim of depolarizing
enough of the myocardium for coordinated contractions to occur again. The use
of this is often dictated around the world by Advanced Cardiac Life Support or
Advanced Life Support algorithms, which is taught to medical practitioners
including doctors, nurses and paramedics and also advocates the use of drugs,
predominantly epinephrine, after every second unsuccessful attempt at
defibrillation, as well as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) between
defibrillation attempts. Though ALS/ACLS algorithms encourage the use of drugs,
they state first and foremost that defibrillation should not be delayed for any
other intervention and that adequate cardiopulmonary resuscitation be delivered
with minimal interruption.
The precordial thump is a maneuver promoted as a mechanical
alternative to defibrillation. Some advanced life support algorithms advocate
its use once and only in the case of witnessed and monitored V-fib arrests as
the likelihood of it successfully cardioverting a patient are small, and this
diminishes quickly in the first minute of onset.
People who survive a "V-fib
arrest" and who make a good recovery are often considered for an
implantable cardioverter-defibrillator, which can quickly deliver this same
life-saving defibrillation should another episode of ventricular fibrillation
occur outside a hospital environment.
Sudden cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death in the industrialized
world. It exacts a significant mortality with approximately 70,000 to 90,000
sudden cardiac deaths each year in the United Kingdom, and survival rates are
only 2%. The majority of these deaths are due to ventricular fibrillation
secondary to myocardial infarction, or "heart
attack". During ventricular fibrillation, cardiac output drops to
zero, and, unless remedied promptly, death usually ensues within minutes.
Lyman Brewer suggests that the first recorded account of
ventricular fibrillation dates as far back as 1500 BC and can be found in the
Ebers papyrus of ancient Egypt. An extract, recorded 3500 years ago, states: "When the heart is diseased, its work
is imperfectly performed: the vessels proceeding from the heart become
inactive, so that you cannot feel them … if the heart trembles, has little
power and sinks, the disease is advanced, and death is near." A book
authored by Jo Miles suggests that it may even go back farther. Tests done on
frozen remains found in the Himalayas seemed fairly conclusive that the first
known case of ventricular fibrillation dates back to at least 2500 BC.
Whether this is a description of ventricular fibrillation is
debatable. The next recorded description occurs 3000 years later and is
recorded by Vesalius, who described the appearance of "worm-like" movements of the heart in animals prior to
The significance and clinical importance of these
observations and descriptions possibly of ventricular fibrillation were not
recognized until John Erichsen in 1842 described ventricular fibrillation
following the ligation of a coronary artery (Erichsen JE 1842). Subsequent to
this in 1850, fibrillation was described by Ludwig and Hoffa when they
demonstrated the provocation of ventricular fibrillation in an animal by
applying a "Faradic"
(electrical) current to the heart.
In 1874, Edmé Félix Alfred Vulpian coined the term movement
fibrillaire, a term that he seems to have used to describe both atrial and
ventricular fibrillation. John A. MacWilliam, a physiologist who had trained
under Ludwig and who subsequently became Professor of Physiology at the
University of Aberdeen, gave an accurate description of the arrhythmia in 1887.
This definition still holds today and is interesting in the fact that his
studies and description predate the use of electrocardiography. His description
is as follows: "The ventricular
muscle is thrown into a state of irregular arrhythmic contraction, whilst there
is a great fall in the arterial blood pressure, the ventricles become dilated
with blood as the rapid quivering movement of their walls is insufficient to
expel their contents; the muscular action partakes of the nature of a rapid
incoordinate twitching of the muscular tissue … The cardiac pump is thrown out
of gear, and the last of its vital energy is dissipated in the violent and the
prolonged turmoil of fruitless activity in the ventricular walls."
MacWilliam spent many years working on ventricular fibrillation and was one of
the first to show that ventricular fibrillation could be terminated by a series
of induction shocks through the heart.
The first electrocardiogram recording of ventricular
fibrillation was by August Hoffman in a paper published in 1912. At this time,
two other researchers, George Ralph Mines and Garrey, working separately,
produced work demonstrating the phenomenon of circus movement and re-entry as
possible substrates for the generation of arrhythmias. This work was also
accompanied by Lewis, who performed further outstanding work into the concept
of "circus movement".
Later milestones include the work by W. J. Kerr and W. L.
Bender in 1922, which produced an electrocardiogram showing ventricular
tachycardia evolving into ventricular fibrillation. The re-entry mechanism was
also advocated by DeBoer, who showed that ventricular fibrillation could be
induced in late systole with a single shock to a frog heart. The concept of "R on T ectopics" was further
brought out by Katz in 1928. This was called the "vulnerable period" by Wiggers and Wegria in 1940, which
brought to attention the concept of the danger of premature ventricular beats
occurring on a T wave.
Another definition of VF was produced by Wiggers in 1940. He
described ventricular fibrillation as "an
incoordinate type of contraction which, despite a high metabolic rate of the
myocardium, produces no useful beats. As a result, the arterial pressure falls
abruptly to very low levels and death results within six to eight minutes from
anemia [ischemia] of the brain and spinal cord".
Spontaneous conversion of ventricular fibrillation to a more
benign rhythm is rare in all but small animals. Defibrillation is the process
that converts ventricular fibrillation to a more benign rhythm. This is usually
by application of an electric shock to the myocardium and is discussed in
detail in the relevant article.
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