Saturday, October 22, 2016

Risky Mistakes Pet Owners Make

YOU LET YOUR DOG WALK YOU A poorly trained dog is a hazard on a stroll. According to the CDC, there are tens of thousands of people who go to the ER for pet-related falls. Many happen during walks: a person trips over a dog, or a person is pushed or pulled by one. Experts say that obedience training is the best way to make sure your pooch doesn't take you down during your morning walk. YOU OVERLOOK TICKS After a walk in the woods, be sure to check yourself for ticks, but don't forget your dog. Tick bites put your pet at risk for Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and other diseases. They can cause serious illnesses for cats as well as put other family members at risk too. If you find a tick, remove it with tweezers to make sure you get all of the head as well, taking care not to crush it. Also ask about tick control. YOU IGNORE RING WORM If your pet has a round bald patch--fungus is to blame. They are infectious to people who touch infected dog or cat's skin or fur; it is important to treat it. Ringworm causes a reddish, ring-shaped rash on the skin or bald spot that infects the scalp. If your pet has a hair loss, take the pet to the vet. YOU DON'T BOTHER TO DEWORM Roundworms are common parasites in dogs and cats. They cause diarrhea and vomiting, as well as lead to other illnesses, not to mention a threat to people too. The infected pet can spread tiny eggs in soil or sand. The kids can swallow the eggs when putting dirty fingers in their mouths. When worms hatch inside people, they can cause blindness and other tissue damage. Ask your vet about regular deworming for your pet. YOU SKIP FLEA MEDICINE Pets without these meds aren't the only ones paying the price. Fleas can quickly set up shop on their skin, especially during the summer or fall, filling your home with their eggs and young. Some people wind up covered in itchy sores. Fleas can also spread serious diseases to people, including the bubonic plague. Be sure to ask your vet about long-term flea medication, as well as a routine reminder on your calendar to get pet a checkup. YOU DON"T SPAY OR NEUTER There are millions of cats and dogs who live on the street and end up euthanized due to unwanted litters. Many pet owners are reluctant to spay or neuter their pets. The fact is, it is a healthy choice for pets because it can lower the risk for breast cancer in females, and testicular cancer in males; not to mention, neutered males are less likely to run away from home, mark their territory or act aggressive. YOU KEEP THE FOOD BOWL FULL This is the most common mistake among pet owners. The problem is it makes cats and dogs eat more than they need. The food is always available and they eat too many calories and gain too much weight. Follow the serving suggestions on the pet food label or ask your vet for advice. YOU FORCE CATS to BE VEGETARIAN Vegetarian owners often want pets to share their lifestyle. The trouble is cats are "obligate carnivores"--they must eat meat to survive. They depend on the nutrients found only in animal tissue. Dogs may be handle a nutrient-rich vegetarian diet, but check with a vet first. YOU GIVE THEM TOO LITTLE EXERCISE Just like people, pets need to move to stay healthy. Without exercise, they are prone to obesity and raises their risk of respiratory problems as well as joint problems. The right amount of exercise for a dog depends on the breed and size. Vets recommend at least half an hour a day. The bonus is brisk walks with a buddy can help the pet owner get in shape too. YOU MISREAD BODY LANGUAGE Pet owners can love their dog--but do they understand them? Tail wagging is always a good sign but can be surprising. It a dog wants to threaten someone, it may hold its tail high or wave it stiffly back and forth. Most mistake this for playfulness and may get bitten. In order to avoid misunderstandings, it is important to learn about your pet's body language. YOU DON"T GIVE ENOUGH ATTENTION Just like children, pets get bored if you don't play with them. It can lead to habits like chewing, digging, barking or whining. Bored cats can resort to scratching or meowing. It is important to keep interesting things like hiding treats for pets to find around your home, give a cat a toy to chase or teach dogs to paly fetch, tug of war or hide and seek. YOU MAKE CATS SHARE A LITTER BOX If you end up cleaning up more pee or poop from the floor, it could be because felines are picky about their litter box. If it is dirty or smells like other cats, they may not use it. Experts say to get one litter box for each cat in your home and one extra. It is helpful to space them out throughout your home too. YOU DON'T SOCIALIZE YOUNG PETS The first 7 weeks of life, puppies and kittens need to get used to people. Owners should build that trust with gentle handling and play. Reputable breeders begin doing this immediately and pet owners can keep this up after you bring the pet home. It can create a strong bond if you play with a new puppy or kitten every day. YOU LEAVE YOUR DOG ALONE FOR TOO LONG 8 to 10 hours alone in a crate, tiny laundry room or even outdoors is too long for most canines. It can lead to separation anxiety or destructive habits like chewing, digging, non-stop barking or howling or even depression in timid pets. Better choices are a doggie day-care, a midday visit from a pet sitter or a canine companion. In general, adult dogs can go 4 - 5 hours in a crate, as long as they get exercise before and after. YOU DON'T SET RULES Some pet owners expect pets to know right from wrong without being told. Human etiquette is not natural to dogs or cats. They need to make clear about jumping up on people, scratching furniture and peeing on furniture is not okay. It is important to be consistent with these rules and reward pets for good behavior. If you need good advice, a trainer can help. YOU SCOLD PETS FOR ACCIDENTS You come home to find a puddle of pee on the floor and have the urge to yell at your pet. Animal experts say this does no good. If it happened in the past, a cat or dog does not know why you're yelling. It is better to praise your dog or cat right away when doing their business in an appropriate place. YOU LEAVE YOUNG KIDS UNSUPERVISED Young children can play too rough causing the dog or cat to strike out in defense. It is important to supervise play time when a new pet joins the family. Set rules on how kids are to treat a pet and teach them to spot signs when a dog or cat wants to be left alone. YOU GIVE MILK TO CATS Many pet owners get the idea that cars thrive on milk is a myth. The fact is, the opposite is true. Most cats are lactose intolerant and can't properly digest the sugars in milk. It can give them diarrhea. Although some cats can digest milk with no problems--they don't really need it. Most vets suggests to skip giving milk to cats. YOU LET DOGS EAT SPOILED FOOD Your dog may be tempted to rummage through the trash for a treat, but don't let them. Spoiled food is no healthier for pets than people. Dogs who eat trash can get food poisoning or pancreas problems. Spoiled food may contain toxic mold which can cause vomiting, severe tremors, seizures or even death. YOU GIVE BONES TO DOGS Pet owners may thing bones are tasty treats for canines, but the FDA says otherwise. The FDA warns against dogs chewing on bones can injure their teeth, tongue or mouth. Bones can also get stuck in their digestive tract and need to be surgically removed with an endoscope. For dogs who like to chew, ask a vet for safe choices. YOU FEED DOGS TABLE SCRAPS It may be hard to resist your pet's sad eyes when they beg at the table--but rewarding barks or whines with some of our meal encourages your pet to beg more; and you can forget about a quiet dinner with the family. If you do share table scraps as a treat with your pet--do it away from the table--and use it as a reward for good behavior. It is also important to learn which human foods are toxic to pets. YOU FEED CATS ONLY DRY FOODS Cats have a low thirst drive by nature and may not drink enough to stay hydrated. Cats whose bodies are always low on water are at risk for urinary tract problems. Encourage them to drink more by adding a water fountain for cats. Canned food generally has 78% more water; a good option, but not every feline may need it. Ask your vet about prescription food that encourages your pet to drink. PREGNANT? YOU GIVE UP YOUR CAT Kitty poop may have a parasite that causes illness like toxoplasmosis. If pregnant woman becomes infected, it could harm the baby. Most people have cats already that have antibodies to protect against the disease. The CDC says if a pregnant woman decides to keep cats, avoid handling cat litter, if possible. YOU DON'T HAVE A DISASTER PLAN Fires, flooding and hurricanes may force you to evacuate you home--but what do you do with your pet? Leaving a pet behind is not an option. Not all Red Cross shelters allow animals. It is best to find pet friendly shelters or motels ahead of time to keep pets with with you during an emergency. YOU ADOPT A PET ON A WHIM A friend giving away puppies or a local animal shelter that's totally full makes it a temptation to bring home a pet. Never make spur-of-the-moment decisions. It is a long-term commitment to care for the animal--10 - 15 years for dogs; and up to 20 years for cats. It best to research ahead of time when deciding which type of pet--a specific breed-- is best for the family. Source:

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