Saturday, October 1, 2016

What Is Psychology?

I. What Is Psychology? 1. Human behavior. 2. Emotions. 3. Mental processes. a. Scientific investigation. 4. Psychology -- 2 Greek words. a. Psyche - spirit/soul. b. Logos -- science/study. 5. Understanding people/minds. 6. Key science/mind (involves understanding perception governs behavior). 7. Systematic approach -- understanding thoughts, emotions, behavior -- people. 8. Influences human behavior: a. Emotions b. Thoughts. c. Physical. d. Social. 9. Relevant awareness of psychology: a. Self-awareness. b. Social awareness. c. Communication. d. Marketing. e. Personal development. 10. Goals. a. Describe human behavior. b. Predict human behavior. c. Explain human behavior. d. Change behavior/experiences of others. e. Help others make sound decisions. 11. What is psychologist? a. Study physical, cognitive, emotional, social aspects of behavior. b. Ensure health/well-being of all people. c. Conduct laboratory experiments/perform: 1) Intelligence tests. 2) Performance test. 3) Personality test. 4) Aptitude tests. d. Surveys. e. Questionnaires. f. Interviews. g. Observations. h. Clinical studies. 12. Branches--Psychology. a. Better understanding individual behavior, community behaviors. b. Range of branches: 1) Social psychology. 2) Clinical psychology. 3) Cognitive psychology. 4) Abnormal psychology. 5) Educational psychology. 6) Developmental psychology. 7) Personality psychology. 8) Behavioral psychology. c. Social psychology. 1) Study of human interaction includes: a> Communication. b> Cooperation. c> Competition. d> Leadership. 3> Attitude development. 2) Thoughts, feelings, behaviors of individuals in company of people, studies determine influence on individual's nature. d. Clinical psychology: 1) Treatment oriented branch psychology uses scientific methods handle psychological problems. 2) Psychological assessment, psychotherapy treatment methods used. 3) Combines practical/theoretical aspects develop strong prognosis. e. Cognitive psychology. 1) Branch deals internal mental processes of thoughts like: a) Visual processing. b) Memory. c) Problem solving. d) Language. 2) Deals perception/problem solving capabilities of brain. f. Abnormal psychology. 1) Branch deals with abnormalities in person's behavior/psyche. g. Educational psychology. 1) Psychological study of learning with various educational situations. 2) Seeks understand how students learn/how they develop. h. Developmental psychology. 1) Sub-field within psychology focuses on study of age-based behavioral changes. 2) Concerned with describing/understanding how individuals grow/change over lifetimes. i. Personality psychology. 1) Branch of psychology deals with IQ personality of individual. 2) Answer questions like: a) What makes person unique/different others? b) Personality traits common across different people? 3) Individual's personality help determine unique traits influence his/her behaviors certain situations; include: a) Extra version. b) Optimism. c) High self-esteem. j. Behavioral psychology. 1) Study of mental processes/human behavioral patterns. 2) Concerned with mental processes/behavioral patterns of humans/non-human subjects. 3) Involves study individual's behavior, gauge psychological state of individual.

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