Sunday, March 12, 2017

How to Keep Your Kids' Eyes Healthy

What's Your Eye-Q? Kids learn their eyes, so healthy vision is critical for reading, writing, seeing the chalkboard, computer and play--more than seeing clearly up close and far away. Eyes also help distinguish between certain letters like "b" and "d". They also allow you to remember the details in what you read to the pictures in your mind. Subtle Symptoms If your child can't see well, they may have trouble learning. They might lose their place while reading and avoid reading. Their grades may fall. Signs of eye problems are always obvious, so some to watch for are they: Rubs their eyes alot, they squint or blink much of the time, they have lots of headaches due to eye strain, tilts their head to one side, they cover one eye to see, they hold books close to their face, they have trouble remembering what they read, and they have a short attention span. Problems You Can See Changes in the way a child sees or looks can be a hint that something's wrong. Look for bulging eyes, dropping eyelids, redness, eyes that don't work together, a gray or cloudy center, pus or crusty drainage, rapid movements--up/down-side to side, eyes constantly watering, white pupils taken with flash, or a child complains their eyes hurt or feel itchy. Early Detection is Key The most oommon eye problems in kids are blurred vision (refractable errors), crossed eyes (strabismus), and lazy eye (amblyopia). Regular eye exams can catch these early on before you or your child notices anything wrong. The longer the vision problem is left untreated, the more the brain will work to make up for it and may lead to future issues that are harder to treat. Is It Time to See An Eye Doctor? Children 3 and up can get a complete eye exam by an eye doctor once every 1 - 2 years. Many kids get a check up at school called a "vision screening." But it can't diagonse them. These tests can miss up to 60% of problems. Even newborns should get an eye assessment and get an assessment during each checkup after. Bring along a toy or stuffed animal to hold in your lap to distract from fussing with the equipment. What Happens During the Exam? Detailed eye exams usually take 2 hours and involves many test. Doctors might change things to get close enough yet not scare young children. The doctor checks the outside of eyes and watches how they follow a light or toy. He'll cover one eye to see how the other moves and focuses. The doctor will measure the near and distance vision with an eye chart and ask the child to read letters he can clearly see. Those who can't read can identify shapes instead. The doctor will also check for colorblindness, and in older kids, the doctor will ask older kids to look for numbers in colored dots--younger kids will look for shapes. Focusing on Vision A large device with a bunch of lenses on it is called a phoropter, pronounced "fer-rop-ter." Your child will peer through to look at the eye chart. The doctor switches from one lens to another asking the child which is clear or fuzzy. This is called refraction testing. It shows the power of eye lenses the child needs to see clearly. The doctor might use a lighted tool called a retinoscope to learn more about how your child's eyes focus. Shine a Light on Eye Problems The light provides an up-close look inside the child's eye. The doctor uses a flashlight-like tool called an ophthalmoscope to peek inside the eye. Older children get eye drops to widen, or dilate, the pupils 30 minutes before the test. You can prepare your child for this by telling her drops may sting and make things blurry a bit. The doctor may use another lighted tool called a slit lamp microscope to get a 3-D view. Correcting Kids' Vision If a child fails a vision exam, prescription eyewear may help. Kids can wear glasses at any age. Choose plastic frames with elastic straps if you have a toddler. Let your older child choose their own glasses, but make sure they have spring hinges to last longer. Most kids are not mature enough to clean or use contacts until after age 10. Vision correction surgery is not advised for growing kids. Kids with glasses need an eye exam every year. Treating Other Eye Problems If your child has a lazy eye, she'll get an eye patch or eye drops to blur her vision in one eye. This retrains the brain tosee with the weak one. Glasses don't always mae a differnece when used alone, but paired with exercise, they help kids with crossed eyes. Eye muscle surgery may straighten out eyes, but it won't improve their vision. Babies bron cloudy eye lenses (cataracts) may have surgery too. Glasses for Young Athletes Well-fitted, protective eyewear is a must for kids who wear glases and play sports to prevent vision threatening eye injuries. Everyday prescription glasses aren't good choices for gym, track, rink, or ball field. The eye doctor can help you choose what's right for your child. You'll want frames that are made of tough stuff that won't break like polycarbonate. Since kids are in the sun alot, ask about sunglasses to protect their eyes from harmful ultraviolet light. First Aid for Eyes Treat eye injuries right away. Don't let a child rub their eye as it can scratch the delicate surface. If there is something in the eye, flip the upper eyelid over eyelashes and ask your child to blink several times. The tears will help wash debris away. You can also flush the eye with clean water. If it doesn't come out, go to the ER. Get emergency care if something hits the eye, a chemical touches the eye, or the eye is bleeding. Source

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