Saturday, March 25, 2017

How Well Do You Know Your Gallbladder?

YOUR GALLBLADDER helps your immune system and your digestive system make hormones. It is a small pear-shaped organ connected to the liver and intestines and stores a digestive fluid called bile. When eating, the gallbladder releases bile through tubes called S-ducts that break down food. Even if the gallbladder is gone, bile can flow from the liver through the duct directly to the small intestine. Most people do well after the gallbladder is removed. With some changes in bowel habits, it clears up soon. Just be careful what you eat. GALL STONES are hardened fluid, another term for kidney stones, are small, non-canerous tumors, made of cholesterol and as small as a grain of sand or as big as a golf ball. They may go away on their own, but if they cause serious medical problems if they block bile ducts and cause a gallbladder attack. MEN AND WOMEN who get too much of the hormone, estrogen, can lead to too much cholesterol in the bile. Pregnancy and birth control pills can also play in the role. Others may have a high risk of gallstones if they are over 40 or a family history. GALLBLADDER ATTACKs usually happens in the morning on an empty stomach, in the middle of the day after a workout, or at night after a heavy meal. It passes when a gallstone moves away from the bile duct. The attacks can last more than a few hours and cause pain and problems like swelling or infection. POSSIBLE SIGNS OF A gallbladder attack are stomach pain or vomiting, yellowish eyes and skin, tea-colored urine or light-colored stools, or all of the above. A common symptom is stomach pain. You should call a doctor if it lasts more than 5 hours or is severe, and call immediately if there are any other symptoms. THE USUAL TREATMENT for gallbladder attacks is medication or surgery. Shockwaves are used if the gallstones won't move from the bile ducts; the doctor can tell you if your gallbladder needs to be removed. If your not healthy enough for surgery, your doctor can try medication to dissolve them or shockwave to break them up. But it doesn't work as well. Half of people treated with medication have gallstones again within 5 years. AFTER GALLSTONE SURGERY, you should try to avoid bran cereals and fried foods and leafy greens. A fatty diet is not good for you, especially if the gall bladder is removed. Stay away from greasy food, high-fat sauces and gravies. Some people have problems with caffeine (coffee, tea and sodas), and dairy. Fruits and vegetables, lean chicken or fish are some good choices to have. Source:

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