Friday, July 13, 2018

Foods That Fight Depression

That traditional Thanksgiving bird has a protein building block called tryptophan, where the body uses and makes serotonin.  The brain chemical plays a key role in depression, according to researchers.  It is a fact that anti-depressant drugs work to target the way the brain uses serotonin.  You can get the same mood-boosting effect from chicken and soybeans. 
Brazil Nuts
These are rich in selenium that helps protect the body from tiny damaging particles called free radicals.  A study showed young people who don’t have enough selenium in their diets to be more likely depressed, but researchers aren’t exactly sure if low levels of selenium cause depression.  One Brazil nut is nearly half the daily requirement of the mineral—but be careful how much you eat.  Other foods with selenium are brown rice, lean beef, sunflower seeds and seafood.
Carrots are full of beta carotene, but you can also get it from pumpkin, spinach, sweet potatoes and cantaloupe.  Studies link beta carotene to lower levels of depression, although there’s not enough evidence to prevent depression—it can’t hurt to eat more in your diet.
Clams and Mussels
A good source of vitamin B12, studies show people with low levels of this vitamin are more likely to have depression.  It could be the lack of vitamin B12 that causes a shortage of a substance called S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM); the brain needs this to process chemicals that affect mood.  Other foods with B12 are lean meat, milk and eggs.
A jolt of caffeine can be a pick-me-up to help you stay more motivated.  If you have post-partum depression or a panic disorder, studies show it make your symptoms worse, however.  Researchers say a “cup of joe” may lower your risk of depression, but aren’t sure why.
Leafy Greens
Packed with folate, it is needed for brain cells to work well and help protect against depression.  Food manufacturers in U.S. add vitamin B9 to enrich the grains in pasta and rice.  You can also get B9 from lentils, lima beans and asparagus.
Salmon, herring tuna are high in polyunsaturated fats that researchers say help fight depression.  One type is Omega-3 fatty acids that help brain cells use the chemicals that affect mood.  A few studies show people who weren’t depressed had higher levels of Omega-3’s than those with depression.
Milk is a good source of vitamin D, but if you have low levels in your body, it may cause depression.  A Norwegian study found that when people took a vitamin D supplement, they were less likely to get depressed a year later than those wo didn’t.  if you dislike milk, you can boost the D in your diet with enriched cereals, juices and canned fish.
Caution:  Alcohol
While it may take the edge off your worries and make you feel more social, but most of the time it is best to drink wine, beer and mixed drinks in moderation.  It may make you feel better in the moment, but heavy drinking leads to depression which can get worse over time because the alcohol makes the brain less active.  It can also make anti-depressant medications less active.
Caution:  Junk Food
They may be fast and more filling, but it can mean bad news for your mood.  Scientists studied diets that were high in sugar, simple carbohydrates and fatty foods to affect how you feel.  They found a link between eating unhealthy foods and depression.  Your best bet is a well-balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean protein.

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