Friday, July 13, 2018

What Is Binge Eating?

What is Binge Eating Disorder?
We all have the occasional overeating, especially at family gatherings like the Thanksgiving meal or other holiday or social gathering.  But is that really binge eating?  If not, what exactly is a binge eating disorder?
The Difference Between Binge Eating and Overeating
The difference between binge eating and occasional eating, in the case of a binge eating disorder, the person with the disorder will feel compelled to eat too much at least once a week and can last as long as 3 months or more.  Occasional eating usually only happens once in awhile, like when someone eats too much for events like the Thanksgiving meal.
Cause of Binge Eating
Some kind of distress is involved.  The person suffering usually has no control with how much or what they eat.  They are often alone and will eat until they feel sick or are no longer hungry.  They may feel guilt, shame, disgust or sadness after they binge eat, which often leads them to hide their condition from their family or friends.
Is Bulimia the Same as Binge Eating Disorder?
You may wonder if bulimia is the same as a binge eating disorder?  Bulimia is not the same as binge eating disorder, although they share some of the same common symptoms.  In Bulimia, the person does regularly overeats and they have the same emotions of loss of control, shame and guilt.  But the key difference between bulimia and a binge eating disorder is that with bulimia, the person will “purge” or force themselves to vomit after overeating.  They may use laxatives or diuretics or exercise too much.  Thus, purging is not involved when it comes to a binge eating disorder.
Who Is At Risk?
Anyone can be at risk for a binge eating disorder and it doesn’t discriminate between race, sex, age or weight.  There are more than 6 million Americans who may suffer from a binge eating disorder; 2% of them men, 3.5% women.  Although women are more common to suffer from the disorder, men can also get it, with men usually acquiring in their middle age, there are about 1.6% of teens who may suffer from binge eating disorder.
How Does Binge Eating Disorder Affect Weight?
Many people who suffer with a binge eating disorder often struggle with weight issues.  Among them, 2/3 are obese.  One study shows that 30% may seek a weight loss program.  Overweight or obese people may also be at risk for heart disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.
Mental Health
Many people who develop this disorder may also have emotional or mental health problems like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder or have a substance abuse problem.  They may feel stressed, have trouble sleeping, have low self-esteem, or a body image shame.
Although experts are not sure what causes binge eating disorder, possibilities may be related to a person’s genes, psychology or background.  Dieting may lead to the condition, but experts are not sure if dieting triggers it.  Some people may be sensitive to food cues like smells or images of food.  They may also have a stressful or traumatic life events like the death of a loved one or they may be teased about their weight.
If you or someone you know suffers from a binge eating disorder, treatment is possible.  The first step is a diagnosis from a doctor or health professional who will give an exam and ask such questions like eating habits, emotional health, body image and feelings about food.
Treatment Starts with Help With Thought, Feelings, and Food
Talking with a psychiatrist or counselor may be the key to working with emotional issues for someone struggling with binge eating disorder.  There are 2 therapies that help with treatment.  Congenital Behavior Therapy (CBT) helps change negative thought patterns that my trigger binge eating.  The other is Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) looks at the relationship issues that may be involved with binge eating.  A nutritionist helps the person learn how to acquire healthy eating habits by allowing them to keep a food diary during recovery.
Are there medications that can help with binge eating disorder?  Anti-depressants and anti-seizure drugs may help control food cravings and urges if used along with counseling.  One such drug that is often used to treat ADHD, Vyvanse (lisdexmfetamine) was the first drug used to treat binge eating disorder.  Though they are not certain how the drug works, the study shows that it may be helpful in reducing  the number of binge days per week.
Losing Weight With Binge Eating Disorder
Binge eating may lead to weight gain and make it tough to shed extra pounds and keep the weight off for good.  There is treatment for people who suffer with binge eating.  Although there may be some traditional weight loss programs that may help, many people who suffer with binge eating might struggle with such strict diets.  It is important to ask a doctor if it would benefit you from a specialized weight-loss program for binge eating disorders.
If you or someone you know might be at risk for a binge eating disorder, there are ways to avoid the condition.  Looking for feelings of guilt, shame, impulsiveness around food and low self-esteem .  if any of these issues or if they run in your family, it is important to talk with a doctor or therapist. 
In conclusion, binge eating disorder results from feelings of guilt, shame, low self-esteem, as well as relationship issues.  It is important to seek help from a qualified doctor or health professional to learn better eating habits as well as talk over feelings that may be trigger such actions as loss of control.
Reference –disorder/ss/slideshow-binge-eating-disorder.

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