Friday, July 13, 2018

Foods to Boost Male Health

When it comes to eating healthy, it is important to eat the right kinds of foods that boost health.  These suggestions will help do that.
Lean Red Meat
According to Lesli Bonci, MPH, RD, a dietitian for the the Pittsburgh Steelers says that lean cuts of beef and pork have lots of protein, although may have a bit more fat than chicken breast.  Red meat is a good source of leucine:  an amino acid that helps build muscle.
Tart Cherries
According to Bonci, she keeps cherry juice in the training room of the Pittsburgh Steelers to help soothe sore muscles.  The pigment in cherry juice has some of the same anti-inflammatory medicines and the benefit is no side effects.
The right kind of chocolate can improve blood flow.  Flavanois, which is a dark chocolate, can curb bad cholesterol, improving circulation to keep blood pressure down.  Men with poor circulation can have erection problems, so a heart-wise diet may protect sex life.  Although too much chocolate may lead to weight gain, so 1 ounce a day instead of other sweets is preferable.
Shellfish and other seafood is rich in zinc which is important for the heart, muscles and reproductive system.  If zinc levels is below normal it can result in poor sperm quality and male infertility.  If you don’t care for seafood, beef, turkey, chicken, nuts and seeds are a good source of zinc also.
Although high in fat, avocados have the good kind of fat, called monounsaturated fat which has a one-two punch against cholesterol.  It can knock down the bad cholesterol (LDL), if using “mono” fat instead of saturated or trans fat.  It is best to eat less than 25 – 35% of all calories from fat.  Olive oil and nuts are a good source of fats.
Fatty fish
An excellent source of healthy fat is salmon, herring, sardines and halibut.  They have a special type called omega-3-fatty-acids which protect against heart disease, a top killer in the US.  2 servings a day of fatty fish can lower the chances of dying from heart disease.
Slices of this spicy root are usually served with sushi or grated on Asian stir-fry.  For health-wise it can help calm inflammation of the body, which is handy if you tend to push yourself.  Eating ginger regularly may reduce pain in exercise-related muscle injuries.
Milk and Yogurt
The whey in these foods are a good source of leucine, a muscle-building amino acid.  Bonci suggests Greek yogurt, as most men may prefer the thick, creamy taste.  It has lots of potassium, a “friendly” bacteria that keeps the stomach healthy.  And it has an added benefit:  no preparation.
Praised for their rich source in potassium necessary for critical muscle contractions and bone health, potassium also helps blood pressure.  The right amount of potassium is just as important as eating less less sodium when it comes to heart health.
Nuts are high in protein, fiber and zinc and it satisfies the urge to eat a crunchy, salty snack.  The higher plant sterol helps improve cholesterol.  And eating from the shell helps you work harder to eat them.  It is also a fun snack that may help to gobble too many calories.
Brazil Nuts
A single ounce of these daily is 7 times the daily value of selenium, which helps boost the immune system and thyroid gland.
Tomato sauce
Rich in lycopene, tomato sauce helps  protect against some cancers.  Some research says that men who eat tomato sauce regularly are less likely to develop prostate cancer, though not all support this theory.  Other plant nutrients also support good health.  By adding salsa to a burrito or tomato sauce to pasta is an easy way to make meals more nutritious.
Soy foods
According to 40 nations, soy foods are a good protection against prostate cancer.  Tofu, miso soup, soy milk are delicious ways to eat more soy.  People in Asian countries are 90% more likely to eat soy foods than Americans.  As a result, prostate cancer is less common among Asian people.
Mixed vegetables
Loaded with lots of phytochemicals, mixed vegetables boost cell health and protect against cancer.  In order to eat different kinds of phytochemicals, “it is best to eat different colored veggies, says Bonci.  Have a variety on your plate at every meal.”
Orange vegetables
These vegetables have a good source of beta-carotene, lutein, and vitamin C.  it also lower the odds of developing an enlarged prostate, according to a large study.  Some good choices are red bell peppers, carrots, pumpkins and sweet potatoes.
Leafy, green vegetables
Leafy, green vegetables like spinach, collard greens and kale help eyes and the prostate.  They have lots of lutein and zeaxanthin, which protects against cataracts and the age-related macular degeneration, an eye disease that impairs vision.
Eggs provide lutein, protein and iron, but there’s a catch:  you have to eat the whole egg.  One yolk – 185 mg. of cholesterol is equal to a 300 mg. daily limit for healthy people.  It is best to cut back high cholesterol sweets to make room for whole eggs in your diet.  If you have high cholesterol, ask your doctor how many eggs to eat per week.
High-fiber cereal
Although it may not seem manly, but fiber is a good performance booster.  Whether you are an executive or an athlete, you can’t focus on your goals if your stomach is acting up.  Plus, it helps keep you feeling fuller longer and your digestive system running smoothly.  You don’t need to give up your favorite cereal, just mix it with some shredded wheat to add something good instead of depriving yourself.
Brown rice
Brown rice is a good source of fiber and an easy way to dress up tasty, colorful food when you add lean meat, baby spinach or pineapple.  If you’re not fond of the texture of brown rice, you can mix it with white rice.  A mixture of brown rice and other whole grains is a healthy way to stay at a healthy weight and lower the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
To help you stay on top of your game mentally and physically, berries contain lots of anti-oxidants the lower the risk of cancer.  Research says that animal studies using blueberries enhances memory and thinking.  A similar research in people is in its infancy but looks good.  If fresh berries are too expensive or hard to find, try buying frozen berries and making a healthy shake.
If you need a pick-me-up, Bonci suggests the old-fashioned cup of joe.  Research suggests it makes you more alert and plain coffee has nearly no calories.  And it is a better source than the expensive high-calorie energy-drinks.
Better to focus on the good stuff
If you’re looking to change your diet, try adding good foods instead of denying yourself the bad ones.  In order to get used to a healthy diet like more fruits and vegetables, lean meats and whole grains to replace your less healthy choices, Bonci has a sports metaphor that helps:  “You’ll play better today and stay in the game longer.” 
In conclusion, trying these healthful tips may help you perform better in your daily activities and make you feel better in you everyday life.

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